London iPhone Queue Infographic

14 October 2011


Biggest ever UK Apple queues for the iPhone 4S, finds in the first ‘Exit Poll’

London iPhone Queue

London iPhone queue - the infographic

Based on Regent Street store for past four Apple launches

People at the front of the queue and how long they queued

iPad, Jake Lee – 8 hours

iPhone 4,  Alex Lee - 31h

iPad 2 , Jewels Lewis - 56h

iPhone 4S, Craig Fox - 160h

Length of queue by number of people

iPhone 4S – 778

iPhone 4 – 668

iPad 2 – 632

iPad - 451


History of the queue

iPad - Doors Open 7.55am Friday 28 May 2010

iPhone 4 - Doors Open 6.59am Thursday 24 June 2010

iPad 2 - Doors Open 4.51pm Friday 25 March 2011

iPhone 4S - Doors Open 7.57am Friday 14 October 2011


Why did people queue at the flagship Regent Street Apple store?

18% just to be there

11% die hard mac fans

11% can't admit why

53% missed pre-orders


Do you own a Mac, PC or Both?

iPad queue - 38% own a Mac, 25% own a PC 37% own both

iPad 2 queue - 36% own a Mac, 25% own a PC 39% own both

iPhone 4 queue - 46% own a Mac, 44% own a PC 10% own both

iPhone 4S queue - 39% own a Mac, 34% own a PC 12% own both


Thoughts about iPhone 4S

33% thought Siri was a gimmick

57% rather have an iPhone 5

was a gimmick?

56% tempted to move to Android


Percentage of people that believe they have terrible 3G reception

iPhone 4 queue - 27%

iPhone 4S queue -25%

Percentage of people that believe video calling is a gimmick

iPhone 4 queue - 39%

iPhone 4S queue -44%

Percentage of people that would wear make up for a video call

iPhone 4 queue - 24%

iPhone 4S queue -17%

Percentage of people that are in the queue buying a gift

iPhone 4 queue - 14%

iPhone 4S queue -14%


Number of women, men and men with beards standing in the queue

iPad: 8% Women, 77% Men without beards, 15% men with beards

iPad 2: Women 14%, 62% Men without beards, 24% men with beards

iPhone 4: 28% Women, 37% Men without beards, 35% men with beards

iPhone 4S: 11% Women, 60% Men without beards, 29% Men with beards


In the British Crime Survey 63% of people said their phone was not insured

In the iPhone 4 queue 73% of people said their phone was not insured

In the iPhone 4s queue 65% of people said their phone was not insured


Make up of the queue

Average age, iPhone 4 queue – 22, iPhone 4S queue – 25


Sim Free - iPhone 4 queue 44%, iPhone 4S queue 28%

O2 - iPhone 4 queue 31%, iPhone 4S queue 24%

Vodafone - iPhone 4 queue 17%, iPhone 4S queue 16%

Three - iPhone 4 queue 4%,

Other - iPhone 4S queue 18%

Orange - iPhone 4 queue 3%, iPhone 4S queue 7%

T-Mobile - iPhone 4 queue 1%, iPhone 4S queue 1%


Stand Out Features

iPhone 4 Queue

Slim look 24%

Retina Display 24%

Faster Processor 19%

5 Mega Pixel Camera 15%

Battery Life 12%

Facetime 6%


iPhone 4s queue

8 Mega Pixel Camera 37%

Siri 34%

Dual Core Processor 15%

Battery Life 7%

iCloud 4%

Facetime 3%


Most Popular Models

iPhone 4 Queue

32GB Black 47%

32GB Black 53%

White 0% (Not available)


iPhone 4s queue

16GB Black 20%

32GB Black 5%

64GB Black 16%

16GB White 29%

32GB White 10%

64GB White 20%

Research carried out by at the Apple HQ Store, Regent Street, London, UK.